About Joeys
Joey Scouts is the first section within Scouts and is suitable for boys and girls aged 6 to 8 years of age.
At 1st / 14th Brighton Sea Scouts, the Joeys meet at the Scout hall once a week on a Tuesday night between 6.30pm and 7.30pm where trained Joey leaders run activities and challenges for a Joey mob of about 20 boys and girls.
Every activity that the Joey Scouts do is designed to enhance their physical, intellectual, spiritual, and social development and is based on the Joey Scout Promise and the Joey Scout Law.
Joeys are encouraged to understand the world around them and to express themselves creatively through games stories and craft activities.
Joeys also get to visit special places in the community such as libraries, police stations, fire stations and the zoo, to make their activities a little more interesting. Joey activities are so much fun that the Joey Scouts don't even know that they are learning!
More than anything, Joey Scouts is about having fun! Every activity is designed to ensure that the Joey Scout goes home happy and fulfilled from their time as part of the Mob.
Joeys get to take part in games, outdoor activities (such as camping, bushwalking and sailing), craft activities, environmental activities (where they can learn about nature, native birds and native animals) and acting / presenting.
Where to from here? All you need to do is contact us. Don't delay, what are you waiting for!!
Joey Scout Promise
Joey Scout Law
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