Cubs Uniform & Award Scheme
Cub Uniform
As part of the world wide Scout movement Cub Scouts have their own uniform.
Cub Scouts wear a blue uniform shirt with yellow highlight on the collar and sleeves together with navy blue pants or shorts and a belt. They also wear the blue and black 1st / 14th Brighton Sea Scouts scarf, a woggle and badges.
The uniform may be worn before the Cub Scout is "invested" or becomes a member, but the scarf and woggle will only be presented to them at their investiture ceremony and cannot be worn until then.
Appropriate footwear also is also needed. Sneakers, sand shoes or other closed toed shoes are good. Bare feet, thongs or crocs are not allowed.
Cub Scouts are "Sun Smart" and need to wear a broad rimmed hat or something similar when participating in any outdoor activities.
For most meetings at the Scout Hall and excursions the uniform will be worn. Your Cub section leader will let you know if there are activities, such as one where you might get dirty, where you will wear "mufti" or casual clothes.
Cub Badge Placement
All badges need to be sewn onto the Cub Scouts shirt in specific locations. The diagram below shows the correct placement.

Cubs Award Scheme
The major components of the Cub Scout Award Scheme are the Bronze, Silver and Gold Boomerang badges. To earn each of these badges, Cub Scouts must complete at least ten challenges (from 14 challenge areas) under the guidance of Leaders.
Cub Scouts can set challenges for themselves to earn Achievement Badges from the areas of Arts and Literature, Nature, Science and Technology, Sports and Recreation, and Our World. There are also a number of Special Interest badges.
The ultimate badge for Cub Scouts is the Grey Wolf Award. This can only be attained by earning a certain number of badges from the other levels of the scheme as well as completing several additional challenges.
The Boomerang badges are the major part of Cub Scout training and aim to develop skills and awareness in self-responsibility, outdoor Scouting, Scouting values and principles, creativity, personal pursuits and interests, and awareness of the Cub Scout’s local and global community.
There are three levels of Boomerang: Bronze, Silver and Gold. Each level has 14 challenge areas:
* Health and First Aid
* Safety
* Ropes
* Outdoor Scouting
* Our Cub Scout Traditions
* Symbols of Australia
* Fitness
* People and Cultures
* Scientific Discovery
* The Natural Environment
* Self Expression
* Handcraft
* Your Community
Bronze Boomerang
The Bronze Boomerang is the first part of the Cub Scouts journey through the Cub Scout Award Scheme.
To achieve the Bronze Boomerang Award you need to complete 10 of the 14 challenge areas. Challenges 1 to 7 must be completed but you can choose any three from the challenges numbered 8 to 14.
Challenges may be completed in any order, except for number 7 - Promise and Law - which must be completed last and be signed off by your Cub Scout Leader.
Silver Boomerang
If you join Cub Scouts around 9 years of age, you will probably start your journey through the Cub Scout Award Scheme with the Silver Boomerang.
However, if you joined earlier you would probably have completed your Bronze Boomerang already. The tasks in this part of the award are more challenging, but build on the skills Cub Scouts have already learned. To achieve the Silver Boomerang Award you will need to complete 10 of the 14 set challenges.
Challenges 1 to 7 must be completed but you can choose any three from the challenges numbered 8 to 14. You may do the challenges in any order, except for number 7 - Promise and Law - which must be completed last and be signed off by your Cub Scout Leader.
Gold Boomerang
If you join Cub Scouts around 10 years of age, you will probably start your journey through the Cub Scout Award Scheme with the Gold Boomerang.
However, if you joined earlier you would probably have completed both your Bronze and Silver Boomerangs already. The tasks in this part of the award are more challenging, but build on the skills you have already learned. To achieve the Gold Boomerang Award you will need to complete 10 of the 14 set challenges.
Challenges 1 to 7 must be completed but you can choose any three from the challenges numbered 8 to 14. You may do the tasks in any order, except for number 7 - Promise and Law - which must be completed last and be signed off by your Cub Scout Leader.
Achievement Badges
Achievement badges give Cub Scouts the opportunity to concentrate on specific areas of interest. Each badge has two levels and the Cub Scout chooses which level they would like to achieve. Level 1 is not a pre-requisite for level 2. There are four groups of Achievement badges; Arts and Literature, Nature, Science and Technology, Sports and Recreation, and Our World
Arts and Literature |
Nature, Science and Technology |
Sports and Recreation |
Our World |
Entertainer Handcraft Handyworker Literature Masks and Sculpture Musician Photography |
Animals and Birds Bushcraft Codes and Signals Engineer Flight Gardener Information Technology Naturalist Scientist Space Weather |
Athlete Collector Canoeing Cooking Cyclist Fishing Pets Sailing Sports Swimmer |
Citizenship International Culture Traveller First Aider World Friendship |
Special Interest Badges
As well as the Achievement Badges, Cub Scouts can earn a number of special interest badges. Cub Scouts will need to earn one of these badges for their Grey Wolf Award. These badges are:
* Landcare Badge
* Local History Badge
* Waterwise Badge
* Their Service – Our Heritage
* Faith Awareness
* World Conservation Badge
* Language Emblem
Cub Scout Leadership Course
Cub Scouts who are nominated by a Leader may attend the Cub Scout Leadership Course for current and potential Sixers and Seconds. The aim of this course is to provide suitable skills in leadership, problem-solving, challenges and Pack Councils to Cub Scouts who may be appointed to leadership roles within their Packs.
Grey Wolf Award
This is the pinnacle of achievement in the Cub Scout section. To earn the Grey Wolf Award a Cub Scout must:
(1) Hold a Gold Boomerang badge,
(2) Participate in a minimum of four outdoor activities,
(3) Attend two Pack Councils in the previous 12 months,
(4) Complete four Level 2 Achievement badges (one from each category),
(5) Complete one Special Interest badge,
(6) Develop and present a resource for the Six or Pack based on the Cub Scout’s understanding of The Jungle Book.
Acknowledgment: Information to create this page was sourced from the Scouts Victoria (Scouts Central) website.
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